Click on the following links to manage your license:
- Activate a License. In case you need to activate the license offline, i.e., for use on a personal computer (PC) that does not have Internet connectivity at the moment or can’t reach the license server due to missing proxy settings, you can activate your license using another PC or device that has Internet access. After having clicked on the link, you will have to enter the Activation Key and Computer ID. The form will then display the Computer Bound Key. On the PC that does not have access to the Internet, you then have to:
- launch Word or Excel, if none of those applications is currently running;
- click on About DokuMate on the DokuMate ribbon tab;
- click on Enter License Key;
- enter the Activation Key;
- select “Activate the license offline”;
- enter the Computer Bound Key displayed by the form; and
- click on Activate.
- Deactivate a License. In case you want to transfer a license that is already used on PC A to PC B, you need to deactivate the license on PC A before activating it on PC B. You will need the Activation Key and Computer ID for this.